Tickle 50
Out of Body… Marvels


This is the 50th issue of Tickle, a newsletter from Creators Child. It is dedicated to amazing out-of-body experiences that our seekers have experienced recently. Older readers would have realised that we have covered out-of-body many times in the past. Jaya’s catapults, Usha Chechi’s awakened sleep, Roshni’s travels, Dhiraj’s explorations, Zahid’s tours, Buffy’s shennanigans! Most out-of-body experiences are split second things where you find yourself pulled out of your body, or find yourself hovering in a strange place, at the top of a ceiling, among trees. These experiences are a bit more, on the farscapes of life… Do enjoy…


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Unearthly Kiss By Asmita*
“I was sleeping at my mother's house and my sleep was a bit disturbed because I only have a relaxed sleep on the second night of staying in a strange bedroom. Anyway, as I was half asleep I suddenly felt someone KISS me on my lips! Immediately I woke up because I was frightened that some ghost was near me (I had earlier had a bad experience of a ghost hanging around me a few years ago, feeding off my energies). The visitor gave me an eerie massage on my back at the exact spot on my spine where it hurt the most in my never-ending backache. Another day as I was drifting awake I felt the visitor slapping me awake. That’s when Tarun removed him. I asked Tarun whether a ghost had given me the Kiss. Tarun explained that I had formed a bridge in thought with a man I had been in a relationship with and this guy had kissed me by thought. 

“Subsequently, a few days later, I was sleeping in my own bedroom one night and half awake when I felt a silky gauzy ballooning clothlike-thing on my eyelids and forehead. I thought it was a spider walking on my forehead and immediately brushed it away (it didn't really feel much like a spider's legs but that seemed to be the only explanation). Once more, I felt the ballooning silky cloth/veil on my shut eyelids and forehead. Later on, asked Tarun and he explained that it was the thought of someone who liked me. I knew it was my daughter thinking of me as I had asked her to check up the required fees and then to let me know. This is the second time I felt another's thoughts.


“Of course, another time, I did also SEE a pure thought as a dazzling lighting white bird which blinded me so much that I had to close my eyes as it's brilliance was too much to look at.” Ciao! Asmita's* wandering thoughts… or wandering selves the universe of advanced seekers like Asmita*are strange and wondrous places…


Unearthly Visitor
“It was late at night when, I saw/ felt a presence walk in. I could see its clothes, flowing like a saree or nighty… The next day we woke up and were told our neighbour had passed away. She loved our child and home and had dropped by to visit.” – Anuradha.

Unearthly Walk
“From upstairs, I was calling Celia, to go for Buffy’s walk. No reply, where was she? When I checked intuitively I realised she was out of the house. Oh? After 10 minutes Celia groggily came up and said, she’d been travelling out-of-body.” – Tarun



Unearthly Occupants of Our Bed
“Buffy as you know is a teacher at her psychic school. In the middle of the night, Tarun woke up, and so did I, just before he was about to launch a psychic defence, I stopped him. It’s Buffy’s friends fooling around I told him.” – Celia.

Unearthly Visitors
“We were telling Buffy that we would be going to Amma & Appi’s mountain home in Coonoor. ‘But Appi doesn’t live there now’ Buffy informed us. How do you know that? Tarun’s father has passed away. “Oh”, Buffy said, “He lives in the sky now. I met him, the other day, he was very happy to see me. Then she added, but he still never gave me that bikkit {Reference to an incident that happened years ago}.”



Yesterday, {In Summer 2014} a group of our most advanced students travelled astrally to a temple miles and miles away... Adapting an ancient Japanese technique... bodies turning to shimmering colours... the temple revealing its deep resonant heart... And yet, below the magic lay fanged dangers, ugly hate beasts, desires congealed into sticky vortexes... The psychic defences of the students were tested to the full... This extraordinary journey is one more milestone in theirs that has covered, till now 3 years of intensive training... Astral Travel is indescribable. Even when it is just for miliseconds it is liberating... But when it is with a group of matched spirits it is EXQUISITE... And this is just the second session in a series that will span almost a year. And yet, the rewards that each of these psychic adepts earns... is not kept to themselves... THE FRAGRANCE SPREADS... IT IS SAID THAT WHEN ONE OF US TOUCHES A STAR ALL OF US ARE ENRICHED.




For a month she couldn't get a wink, because there are presences. Ghosties. Creaks. Evil footsteps.

I have never been to her house, Sandra's*. But as I talk to her on the phone, as she stands in front of her door. It all becomes clear. Obviously she is a fine mond-to-mind communicator. We walk in, and I see the first baddy. a snake-like presence. Black magic? No. A desire form from a friend. Clear it. To the left I sense there is a kitchen. Sandra confirms. A witch like ghost sits in a corner. Amazingly Sandra has seen it herself. we discover that she is from the grandma's ancestral village. A baddy? No. But needs to be removed. We now go to the bedrooms. The bathrooms. One by one, it's a dance. Such a marvellous one. Here we are 2,000 miles away. And yet walking in a shared space. Sure there are ghosts. And desire forms. and worse ughs. But the world becomes ever so much smaller. So much more marvellous.

Ok, why are there so many ghosts? Well, because a family member, older and tired wants friends from an earlier time. And a younger relative wants to embrace life. and if humans can't always be trusted. Hey, ghosts will do. There are of course sadder reasons too. The home was built on a living 'forest', and urbanisation hounded its denizens. With a crumbling world they reach out to any who can hear them. And Sandra* can hear.

We share the world. Our world intersects with others. Worlds described as faery. Or angelic. Hellish. Or Glorious. There are times when we sit in our flats. Our concrete hobbit holes. And wonder if there is life beyond. And there is. Sometimes besides the table. in a kitchen cabinet.

We travel without feet.

We live beyond our bodies.

We breathe stranger air.

We are beneath wondrous clouds.

One day we will evict gravity from our lives.

One day we will walk out of the school of time.

One day we will fold space like a dearly loved T shirt.

That one day can be Now.

Er.... incidentally, Sandra could not sleep for a month because each nights ghosts roamed the home. Now with the ghosts evicted or asleep, she can snore like kumbhakarna.



EarthQuakes. LifeQuakes.

EarthQuakes are difficult to predict. Sometimes simply because by earth time a decade is a second. After the first Nepal EarthQuake I was told that another would follow roughly two weeks later. Not just aftershocks. But another. Could we change it? The answer was No. Any healing energy we sent would be counterproductive. Yesterday, a second earthquake hit an already battered country.

So, the question is why? Why did there have to be a second? Why did a poor battered country have to face such fury? And by corollary, what use is knowledge if it cannot avert disaster? Will we get answers? Will ants be satisfied with an answer, 'Sorry, I didn't see you there?'

The other day there was a demolition drive in our neighbourhood, clearing land on lakebeds. The twist being the land was given by the government officially to middleclass people, 3 decades ago. For no fault of their own middleclass people, your uncle, aunts, grandmas were being targetted. The rubble of broken houses, some which housed raddiwallahs, dosa camps, we visited brought the tragedy of earthquake closer home. A friend in another area asked us solicituously if we were impacted. The answer was no. What we didn't tell her was that her house is near a reduced lake. Is she safe? The simple truth is that the ground beneath our feet is not safe.

Especially in this century with rampant urbanisation, climate change and earth change, and completely quixotic government and political action, life is both safer than it has ever been. and is also more vulnerable. For there are enormous unseen storms and turmoils. Especially at the astral the a place where dreams, desires, passions and hurts are realities. This like anythingelse it has storms, it has winds and forces. These sometimes cause huge energy buildups that find expression in a natural faultline or unstable political situation.

Standing on the side of a road, Palli was hit by a skidding biker. But while at home, she is not cursing the biker but thanking the universe for the time off to think. She was hit by life. She wasn't knocked down. Oddly, Bobby too a few months ago was hit. Again he did not crumble. Just months ago, he did a compelling firedance performance at one of our talks.

So, the simple truth is, we need to plant our feet on different ground. On the Ground of God. The Ground of Light.


Unearthly Light
“I was meditating, and suddenly an image of startling vividity leapt into my mind. A golden sun above a shimmering sea. As I looked on I was pulled in… into a wondrous world, where, out of body I soared among the purest light.” – Sai



God arrives… on a Throne of Gold…
“I did a double take” said Pushpa. “It looked like a child’s soap bubble had wandered in, only it was rather huge, as I looked closer I saw the centre was golden, glowing and blazing, like a throne of gold on which a light was seated.” Wowwee.



In Body… Marvels



A dynamic Meditation …
Tarun guides Manoj at the Cosmic Heart Level 1 Workshop


And the Cosmic Heart glows and grows.
Pruthivi, Manoj, Sai, Anu n Sujani join the Cosmic Heart Family.


Here we bid adieu. Write in. Call. We love to hear from you. Ciao for now.

Like to check out earlier issues of Tickle?

Tickle 1 .................... Tickle 2 ................... Tickle 3 ................... Tickle 4................... Tickle 5 .................... Tickle 6 .................. Tickle 7 .................. Tickle 8.................... Tickle 9 .................... Tickle10 .................. ..Tickle 11 .................. Tickle 12 '''''''''''''''''''''' ..'Tickle13 ...................Tickle14 ................ .. Tickle 15 .................. Tickle 16 .........,,,,,,,, Tickle17 ....................Tickle 18 ................

Tickle 19 ................. . Tickle 20 ....................Tickle21 .................... Tickle 22 ................. Tickle 23 .................. Tickle 24................... Tickle26 .................. Tickle 27 .................. Tickle 28 ................

Tickle 29 ....................Tickle30 .................... Tickle 31 ................... Tickle 32 ................. Tickle 33 .................. Tickle34 ................... Tickle 35 .................. Tickle 36 ............. ....Tickle 37

Tickle38 ...... ............ .Tickle 39 ... ... ... ....... Tickle 40 ...... ... ........ Tickle 41 ..................Tickle 42 ............ ... Tickle 43 ........... ... Tickle 44 . ...... . ...... Tickle 45 . .............

Tickle 46 .................Tickle 47 ......................Tickle 48 ......................Tickle 49