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Predictions for 2025!!!
By Creator's Child


By Tarun & Celia Cherian & Creator's Child Seers..


Predictions 2025


True Predictions OVER THE DECADES... Look below for Details

- TRUE COVID Prediction True Predicted From 2006 & 2012-16:

- TRUE Direction of European Conflict: True Predicted From 2021:

- TRUE Israel-Palestine Outbreak: Predicted From 2018:

- TRUE Indo-China Conflict: Predicted From 2016:

- TRUE China-Taiwan Conflict:

- TRUE Thought Turbulence: True From 2012:


True Predictions For 2024 That Came True...

TRUE: Tectonic Events in Iceland & Indonesia region {Specific for Indonesia, Papua-New Guinea}

TRUE: China Massive Flooding Mid Year

TRUE: North China Earthquake in first half.

TRUE: Regime Change in South Africa

TRUE: Gaza & Ukraine Course of War

TRUE: Assasination attempts on Putin, Netanyahu.

TRUE: Health of Biden Suspect. {Had predicted a deep crisis in 2026}

TRUE: Massive Financial Crimes in EU unearthed

TRUE: We had predicted a decline in UN influence for 3 years

TRUE: Change in Whale Song {However it has been continuing over time}

TRUE: Male Ascendance over the next 3 years & decade

HALF TRUE: Japan Tsunami in Jan {Saw the storm & sea shifts not the earthquake}

HALF TRUE: Assasination on Trump was seen in 2023 end not in mid 2024

HALF TRUE: Cellphone Assasinations by Israel {Saw strange electric activity in Nov not Aug-Sep, saw a possible EMP blast}



THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY for 2025 lies in the fact, that in mid 25 & beginning 2026 the TIMELINE we are on is branching. And so our beliefs & actions in 2025, will help decide which way the earth shifts. In one we reach crisis/ mega war in 2036. In the other, we postpone the crisis and have time to solve it.

  Our broad predictions for 2025 are...

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Earthquake, Volcano, GeoThermal in 2025...

- Rise in Earthquakes by 3% of 1 richter+. Esp towards Aug-Sep.

- Worst Earthquakes, Middle east, Indonesia region, New Zealand. {Also Central India {Mild}, China {Medium intensity}, Japan, Mid US {medium to High}}.

TRUE PREDICTION: : We have seen a 7+ earthquake in Tibet {Note added in Jan 6 2025}}.

TRUE PREDICTION: : We have seen massive Earthquakes in the Santorini Island. Exactly where we have drawn a faultline. {Note added in Feb 5th 2025}}.

- Worst Volcanic Events in Iceland, Vicinity of Indonesia, off Japan {Late in Year. Earthquake? Volcanic Vent?}.In 3 years build up to Yellowstone Volcanic Event in USA. 2027? 2028? { Scientists are talking of significant activity in the yellowstone area today {Note added in Jan 6 2025}}.


Predictions Earthquakes n volcanos


What we have intuited are the points of high energy and seismic stresses for 2025. Below we give our intuitive scan to indicate where fracture lines and continental plates exist. These agree with and differ from what Science has observed and hypothesized. Here is a list of Earthquakes volcanic events in 2025, you compare...


Intuitive grasp of plates


But what has science observed & hypothesized? Do go online and check out the Ring of Fire diagrams and plate tectonics. Science's understanding may differ and agree with the intuitive look. But imagine our surprise, as we looked we realised that modern scientists are Looking beyond the traditional views, and their hypothesis are in principle close to our intuitive prediction that sees that fractures may be present beneath continents too!




Predictions Iceberg

Sea, Sea-seismic, Currents in 2025...

- Rise in Sea Level by 0.4- 0.6 inch. Norm 0.2 inches.

- POLAR MELT - Both poles will show disturbance. North pole will probably melt faster than the South. Leading to wildlife risk.

- Break up of ice in Antarctica may occur in areas below S America & Australia. {Scientists too anticpate this will happen.}

TRUE PREDICTION: : For example, a giant iceberg in Antractica below S America is headed to a collission with a key Island}

- SEA CURRENTS PATTERN SHIFT. Esp in Atlantic Ocean. {Scientists believe this will happen too.}

- Increase in Algal Blooms- We had predicted last year. And scientists concur. We believe this will continue with more red blooms. { Note: Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of the oxygen in the atmosphere.}



Storms, Cyclones, Floods in 2025...

- Cyclones Intensify. Emergence of Cyclone Chains. {Chains- one after the other} . Vulnerable - Cuba, India, Europe, Japan. Storms near Britain, Phillipines, Seattle, Florida,




Meteor Strikes in 2025...

- Northern Europe, Russia, Finland. Also S America. About 17 meteors hit the earth everday. The Major ones this year are about 2. Should occur, early & mid year.



Crops, Forests, Insects, Animals...

- There has been and will be increased Algal growth in Oceans, {as we predicted in 2024}. {TRUE PREDICTION: Scientists concur: They say Algal blooms have increased by about 13 percent in size , or 1.5 million additional square miles! to quote Scientific American }.

- Some Sea Creatures are showing increasing ability of shifting levels in the ocean. This diel vertical migration we foresee is increasing.

- Insect patterns shift, they build to a massive change in 26-29.


TRUE PREDICTION WE DID NOT INITIALLY INCLUDE: We saw forest fires in USA, south western LA, Mexico/peninsula, Central S America, Central Africa & South west Australia. Since the death rates were low < 100, we did not share it. The LA fires as we know keep burning, as do major fires in Brazil, central Africa & SW Australia . {{Prediction updated in Jan 2025, post media attention to LA fire}.


Moon anomaly predicted

Strange Planetary Events...

- Near the moon, a strange lattice may be seen in March-June

- Pluto may wobble strangely {TRUE PREDICTION: Note Scientists are also speaking of pluto's shift in trajectory, perhaps because of Neptune gravity interactions.}

- Sun Activity is odd mid year.{TRUE PREDICTION: Note Scientists are also speaking thesame language.}



Note: The Number of events are so numerous we are focussing only on a handful of mega events.





Economic, Techno Political, Emo, Shifts...



- Turbulence Early in the Year. Late will see Depression esp in West

- US Economy will be under threat but face real crisis late 2026. {QUESTIONABLE PREDICTION???: Note: Far from the dollar being under threat, other currencies appear to be under pressure in Jan}.



- Gap between China & US will Increase technologically .

TRUE PREDICTION: : Take the example of DeepSeekai

- Fusion Reactors will become viable in a 3-7 year horizon.

TRUE PREDICTION: : China has made a breakthrough here!

- As we all know artificial intelligence is the greatest talking point of the 2020's. However it is in 2028, AI will successfully bypass human strict control. We then see Attempts to Replace human control will occur, roughly 2035 onward.

- As predicted in 2024, Massive Cyberattacks will occur. In 2025, late in the year.

- Massive job loss related to tech is perceived in 2026.



- GAZA CONFLICT Gaza Conflict will drag other countries into the conflict in 2025. It will spread beyond middle east, low level terror. {QUESTIONABLE PREDICTION??? While presently there is a major ceasefire and hostage exchange, very welcome, intuition says this is but a temp breather.}

- Increased Political Turbulence in Africa Intensification of conflict in Burkina Faso, Somalia, Chad, Sudan, Central Africa likely.

TRUE PREDICTION: : Says FRANCE 24: Leaders of the West African regional grouping ECOWAS have approved the withdrawal of three military-ruled countries from the bloc, but have offered a six-month grace period for them to reconsider. MaliBurkina Faso and Niger plan to withdraw from ECOWAS in January after refusing the bloc's demand to restore democratic rule.}

- UKRAINE CONFLICT PART RESOLUTION Ukraine Conflict will get partly resolved in October 2024 we had predicted. A Conference in April May will see a major agreement.

- Health of Putin suspect in May 2025.

- Possible assasination attempt on a North Eastern or Bengali Indian Woman Politician in mid 2025.

- Increased Political Shifts in South America dealing with return to trad family value.

- WE HAD PREDICTED UN influence will decline for 3 years {In 2024}. Other Political Groups will exert influence. This continues.

TRUE PREDICTION: The US distancing from WHO. Israel asking UN [professionals to leave.

- EU splits intensify. In 2024 we had predicted massive financial wrongdoings will be alleged.

- Turbulence in France intensifies Mid-Year. Turbulence in UK very heavy in first half of the year. China politics takes serious steps for 2028 change.

- In 2024, We had predicted Health of Joe Biden would worsen by late 2025. we stand by that.

- Minor Attack on President Trump in late 2025. Mild injury possible.

- Positive Change in Bahrain.

- New Leadership will emerge from countries not traditionally perceived as frontrunners. Eg:- Norwegian Countries, Island Nations.

- As Celia was listening to the voice of mankind she found the voice of common people was loud - for harmony, not hate..

Palestine Prediction

  Viruses & 'Epidemics'...

- Covid reappears we predicted in 2024, that holds true. But foresee lower Death Toll.

- More Virulent Flus will appear. Covid like Sars illnesses appear and disappear.

- In 2026-27 we see fungal infections & in 2025 rise in bacterial infection deaths.

- In 2024 we had predicted Hunger related illnesses rise, this growth we see slackening a little. { About 21,406 people are dying each day from hunger - Oxfam estimates. And number of people experiencing hunger has risen by roughly 152 million since 2019}

- In 2024 we had predicted Cancer cases rise in India, Asia will rise we see a greater percentage of stomach cancer.

Pray for The Dead

  Middling Alien Activity...

- Alien Spotting will Increase by 15%, We perceive actual increased activity will be up by less than 5%.

- A New Alien Species is Visiting The Earth. Apart from this as we said in 2024 there are 6 advanced species that are currently connected to the earth, an aggressive species put off influx by 10-20 years}.

- Evidence of Alien Life in Pluto & Mars will increase.

- As we predicted in 2024, An advanced species Sphyxxistra: that look like Giant Spiders have agreed to watch over Earth for 6 centuries, they will temper the effect of 2 warring species. Thankfully most alien intelligences have no real interest in stripping earth of resources. {We at Creator's Child have initiated a low-level contact with varied alien species through spiritual intermediaries...basically to modulate impact. But they find us humans limited, stupidly aggressive and on the brink of social collapse}.


  Spirituality: Astral, Shakti Power, Traditional Faith Revival, Generosity...


- Many More High Spiritual Beings Connect with The Earth. Note: Of the 17 significant spirits, 10 are loving, 5 are stern. One is menacing.

- Predicted in 2024, and true for the coming5 years - while spiritually humans have grown the key centre that has grown is at the back of the neck. Which gives the ability to create or utilise languages that attract spiritual groupings.

- As we pointed out earlier, Male Ascendance rises for a decade. This Continues.

- While earlier Astral graces were seen, now causal shifts occur.

- In 2024 we predicted that Shakti forces rise dramatically by 20%, and so traditional shamans should see a revival in 3-4 years. {Devadhara Healiers, by 2025-26 the changed energy environment suits the Devadhara Modality}.

- Predicted in 2024, and true - Generosity rises again while dog-eat-dog mentality also returns.




Why is looking forward so significant?

Because we can hold the steering wheel of existenxce
and shift it to a more joyous path.
Especially the next 3 years are critical.

Make no mistake most futures are grim.
But if we align with Earth Joy,
the planet may arrive in 1/2 century at a remarkable place.

Here is an overall prediction we had made in 2011 for the coming century...

Predicting The World Ahead


The Power To Transform: First is that you may use the information to enrich your life. How? You may do so with specific actions like rethinking life & business strategies, investing wisely, pushing harder in certain directions. Sending energy to transform an event.

Celia & I foresaw a virus outbreak anywhere from 2016-2018. We could have invested in pharma shares then. Did we? No. We could have. Should have. So every hint of tomorrow we give is potentially enriching.

Understanding The Power To Transform And Its Limitations: Now looking ahead, and transforming it is not easy. We foresaw a week or two ago, a potential tragedy. It had a silvery wheel and some dark around. So Tarun drove extra-careful, and sent energy to that scenario. Our drives were uneventful. Thankfully. A few days later we encountered an issue on a credit card. It had a silvery motif, and was dark.

As we checked we were told there were a choice of four different stones in our path. When the first was unchosen the second was elected. We were 'gifted' anxiety for a specific reason.

Many years ago, we had related to you a similar incident. We were going on a Journey with Buffy to Goa. The night before Tarun had a dream where our car turned turtle. Should we cancel the trip? We both sent massive healing to the trip. Somewhere near Tumkur our car brokedown as a rat had bitten through the onboard computer. We spent about 3 hours on the flyover, the cars passing made a whooo noise. Buffy was convinced she had heard the sea. "It's nothing great." She told them. "It makes lots of noise and has bad smell."

DISCLAIMER TO ALL READERS: We are Not All Seeing All Knowing, But More-Seeing & More-Knowing: Now predictions are like looking through a dusty windowpane, at a misty landscape. Besides what we see are etheric, astral energy buildups that may coalesce into events. Next we use numerous energy sources, from direct aura seeing to animal conversation. And so all who read it are advised to use good sense if they want to take it forward.

-- Celia & Tarun Cherian



  * True Predictions in Detail:

We had made predictions in 2008, 2012, 2021 that came true. Let's talk about a handful: -

COVID Prediction True From 2012-16: We had predicted the release of a Virus in 2016-18 accidentally from a lab that could hit the world in 2018. We thought the virus would have been released in a large country like US or China. {PREDICTION PUBLISHED IN 2012: Another possible catastrophe... involves the release of a bio-weapon possibly in America {2016-19}.} We had in fact seen it as a bio-weapon. In fact, The Lancet Commission suggests SARS Covid-2 could have actually been developed in an American Research program. From the outbreak, conspiracy theorists maintained the virus emerged, and was inadvertently released from a secret bio program that had US-China collaboration in viruses like Covid. What has been indicated beyond doubt that The Covid Virus had been studied, bio-enhanced in a lab funded both by China & USA. Next, we had also maintained that there would be another Covid wave in India in may-August. Like others we had maintained Covid would not disappear.

European Conflict: True From 2021: In 2008 and in 2021 beginning we had predicted a possible conflict in 2022 March in Eastern Europe. The Ukrainian conflict has raged for years now. In fact Seeker Rakesh S, had right from the start of the conflict maintained it would be a long-drawn-out conflict, not a quick regime change as Western analysts predicted, and Putin hoped.

Israel-Palestine Outbreak: Predicted From 2018: We have been urging those living outside the middle-east, relatives and students to reconsider relocating back. Even though there had been massive rapproachments between Israel and a number of Arab countries we had seen deep simmering rage about to break out. We foreesee it spreading across the world at a mid-level. Even to Mongolia. Seer Rakesh sees it will be simmering embers rather than a fire.

PREDICTION PUBLISHED IN 2021: Conflict, war, in 2020’s main timeline: In 2022 we foresee conflicts in the middle east, India-China, South China sea... as we proceed to 2024 there will be enhanced conflict. As  a remote possibility ships will be sunk, planes downed. 2024-2027 will see sharpening of political differences. Around 2028 conflict in Europe is likely {perhaps North-eastern}. Quoted in CAN WE ESCAPE MASS DESTRUCTION?

Indo-China Conflict: True From 2016: We have been urging those living outside the middle-east, relatives and students to reconsider relocating back. Even though there had been massive rapproachments between Israel and a number of Arab countries we had seen deep simmering rage about to break out. We expected it to emerge in 2022-23.

China-Taiwan Conflict: We have predicted The China-Taiwan absorption will come to a head in 2026-27. That there will be continuing jockeying for influence till 2027-8.

GEO POLITICAL PREDICTION PUBLISHED IN 2012: ‘2020-2024 are significant change dates for all timelines with profound geopolitical shifts likely.' Report Fortune Seer Shwetha Kothari, and Creator's Child Founder Celia Cherian.

Thought Turbulence: True From 2012: In the last 5 years, a great wave of ideas have been arriving on sex, gender, race, caste, nationalism. we had foreseen it in 2012!

PREDICTION PUBLISHED IN 2012: The 2020 decade will see an incredible intensification of ideas. It will witness the break up of great religions into major subtrends.

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  Furthur Reading:

Amazing Predictions for 2024 by Spiritual Visionaries Tarun & Celia Cherian, foreseen Nov-Dec 2023 published: Jan 2024.

Predictions Jan-Feb 2024 by Masters Tarun & Celia Cherian, foreseen Nov-Dec 2023 published: Jan 2024.

Must Read Can we Escape Mass Destruction? Article 1. by Masters Tarun & Celia Cherian published: Aug 2021.

Looking forward to 2021 by Masters Tarun & Celia Cherian & Seekers Diana, Tanya, Rakesh & Vasundhara, published: Dec 2020.

Classic: Article 2012: Will the world end in 2012?

World is Singing a revelation of the world and a prediction by Tarun & Celia Cherian, 2016

The Green Imperative. by Tarun & Celia Cherian, June 2017.

The Need For Lifeonomics: By Tarun Cherian, June 2017.

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